Medical Terms

Going to a medical consultation sometimes generates confusion, especially in terms of medical terms, of which we never dare to ask a question , or because laziness, we do not look on the Internet or in a book.I hope it will be clearer after reading this article.

 This is a source of permanent confusion and doubt. It is possible that it issues in the little time that the Krankenkassa, (Austrian Mutual Health) and its professionals have for each patient,something that happens in all the countries I have worked in (Spain, Italy, USA and Austria). Circumstance that is perfectly illustrated in a French film of 2014, with which I feeel myself identified a lot, called Hypocrates, by Thomas Lilti

 Or the book House of God, from Samuel Shem, considered by many to be the Bible of Medicine. Very good to demystify that image of God Doctors.

 These countries that I mention and many others, use Latin in medical terminology. Interestingly, this fact doesnt help the understanding. Many times, patients came to me, and wanted to know what was that in the hospital letter.

 I would also like to clarify that what you put in the medical report is only an interpretation and never the absolute truth. It also depends on whether it is seen by a trauma surgeon (Orthopäde), a surgeon (Chirurg), an Osteopath ..., each one will say something different.

 They are also a small part of the overall assessment of a patient, together with the anamnesis, (questionnaire that is made at the beginning of each patient), tests, symptoms ....

 Besides, degenerations, alterations ...,  are physiological, that is, natural processes of the body and they must not always be related to pain or problems. In fact I have had patients with terrible x-rays and almost without pain, or vice versa.

 X-rays, resonance ..., serve to exclude serious processes and to be able to exercise an interpretation. I put the words also in German, since it will serve the people who have to go to a professional in this country

. The first five are also in degenerative order. That is to say, it starts with a degeneration, it continues with a hernia, with a protusion and a sequestration, (although the last stage is not always reached).

-Chondrose, (Chondrosis): Degeneration of the vertebral disc, as for example, the decrease in its height.

 -Osteochondrose, (Osteochondrosis): Degenerations of the vertebral disc with reactionary changes in the adjoining structures.

 -Prolaps, Bandscheibenvorfall, (Prolapse, Herniated Disc): rupture of the fibrous ring, protruding the nucleus pulposus, with possible involvement or not of the adjacent ligament.

 -Protusio, (Protrusion, Extrusion): profuse bulging of the intervertebral disc.

 -Sequester, (Sequestration), dislocation of the disc material, with possible rupture of the ligament or below it

 -Spondyloarthrosen, (Spondyloarthrosis): degeneration of the bodies between the vertebrae due to cartilage damage, (what covers the vertebrae)

 -Sklesosierung, (sclerosis): tissue condensation.

 -Zystenbildung, (formation of cysts): in the bone holes.

 -Synoviale Zysten, (synovial cysts): lumps in the joint capsule.

 -Degenerative (Pseudo), Spondylolisthesis, (degenerative spondylolisthesis (pseudo): through degenerative processes in the intervertebral disc and its joints,the vertebra may move forward or behind.

 -Spondylosis deformans / Spondylose, (spondylosis deformans / spondylosis): Degenerative changes of the vertebral bodies and their intermediate spaces, which appear on radiographs as irregularities (for example, spikes, protuberances on the edge ...).

 -Spondylophyten, (spondylophytes): abnormal bone growth.

 All this can lead to narrowing of the medullary canal.

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